
Fuzzing is a feature that Bengal cats inherited from their wild ancestors, the ALC or Asian leopard cats. Of course, little leopards, beginning to perceive the world around them, needed protection to survive in the jungle. And what could protect them if not "camouflaging" coloration? Starting at 3-4 weeks of age, a Bengal kitten goes through a phasing period, this makes its fur and markings less contrasting, this period can last from 3 to 5 months. This feature is inherited from the Asiatic leopard, it occurs to hide young leopards from predators. In the picture we see an example of a small furry cheetah in the phasing stage. Fuzzing is a process that almost all Bengal kittens go through between 1 and 4 months of age, so if you are not knowledgeable: how to choose a Bengal kitten, it is better to go to the breeder and ask to see pictures of the parents. The babies will look like them. Bengal kitten finally cleared of canines at about 8 months. And sometimes this change completely ends at 1.5 years. Kittens are covered with grayish or whitish pale strands of fur sticking out in different directions. If the down is not very strong, the kitten's pattern looks slightly shaded and indistinct. In the case of strong down, it is almost impossible to see the pattern on the coat. Depending on the belonging to a certain breeding line, the phasing has its own peculiarities: The phasing of first generation F1 and F2 Bengals is longer. In lines of Bengal cats stacked on a mixture with American Shorthair, Siamese, Burmese and Abyssinian cats, the down is almost absent. Kittens with shine go through fluff faster than their siblings who have no shiny fur. Rarely, Bengal kittens begin phasing immediately at birth, the beauty of their color is difficult to distinguish, and it is determined only by the undercoat, but these kittens leave this phase earlier than those who entered phasing at the age of 1-1.5 months.